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| Synthesizers
| Cold andmetallic sounding synths |
| Linplug's FreeAlpha 3 isa 2 osc synth that comes with a modulation matrix, and it sounds ametallic, cold (80's), but clear and clean. It gives pretty pads andgood and clean basses. No added effect except 1 chorus. Download : 'Alpha free' tab, bottom of the page. win / mac / rtas / au / vst http://www.linplug.com/alpha.html
| MicroModular,by efm,is a polysynth with many components (4 Osc, 1filter, 3 enveloppes, 1 matrix, added effects like pan,delay, chorus and an arpeggio), that produces clear, clean,metallic sounds, good for some strings and fine leads. The high tech LCD like user interface is clear, niceand rather easy to use. Not an extraordinary one, but useful. http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/efmMicroModular.zip
| Adonis is probablythe best synth made by B.Serrano. Complex, this hybrid polysynth comes with manyparameters divided in several pages. For example : 4 lfo, 4 envelopes,2 multimode filters, a modulation matrix,a small 8 step sequencer, effects like phaser/flanger, chorus, delayand so on. It is suitable for cold, numerical, metallic sounds withtrance color. Donationware, the free version has only some limitations. http://bserrano.free.fr/Synths_Adonis-2.html |
| Additive Table Synth is oneof the good products made for Angular Momentum.With its 2 additive wavetable Osc, each one coming with 1 envelope, 1filter and 1 step sequencer, 1 filter envelope, pan, and generaleffects like delay, chorus and reverb, it is interesting and soundsmetallic, cold but delicate. It is not suitable for leads or basses,but is rather good for subtle pads. The effectsare icy. Beautiful GUI. http://www.amvst.com/node/19 |
| FM synths |
| Hexter by Cutevst, asanemulation of the famous Yamaha DX7, is a FM synth with 6 operators, andit sounds rather good. Its GUI is ugly and its development for Windowshas been stopped since 2005, but if you like the DX7, it is a good rarefree emulation. It can import DX7 presets (.syx), and is improvedwith added effects like reverb, echo and chorus. http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/Hexter/ |
| Oxeis an interesting vst and standalone FM synthesizer (rare thing in freeintruments), though it is not the best sounding synth of the list. 8operators, 1 Lfo per channel, 1 delay and 1 reverb among othercomponents. The preset loadingsystem is not very practical and the modulation matrix is somethingdifficult to use for beginners, but FM synthesis is not easy. http://www.oxesoft.com/products.php#download |
| Cyberlink com free download. Ganymed by Stefan Kuhn is alsoa FM synth,with 3 operators and a strange interface, that has not the best sound,but it is interesting for exciting arpeggios and sequences that can beas hypnotic as Steve Reich's music (try 'gGovardhan' or 'g AtmanRama' presets).Search by yourself, because this synth can produce more interestingsounds than the factory presets do. http://www.stefan-kuhn.net/
| OdO'sPurple 2is a FM synth that has 4 operators with 5 waveforms and one 8parameters envelope for each operator, plus some effetcs like 1 delay,1 chorus,1 distortion, 1 flanger etc. It is very far from FM7, and it is notvaried nor versatile, but it sounds well for 80's or techno pads andstrings, i assume. http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/Odo-Purple2.zip |
| Hybridsynths (thatare not in other categories) |
| Nordlead Modular G2 Editor, by Clavia,in demo version, is the software editor of the well known swedish redmachine ! This free version is only mono, and has not all the modulesof the hardware synthesizer. It is not a vst instrumentand it can be used only in standalone mode. But youcan make and save your own patches. It is a big modular synthesizer that can do many things, witha very good sound quality. Difficult to use, it comes with demopatches. A must-have, very useful tolearn synthesis. Don't miss it. Listen to thesamples on the right to get a good idea of its possibilities. win / mac http://www.clavia.se/products/nordmodular/demo.htm For patches, don't download those on the Clavia's site, but the packbelow, in which i classified them. 311 patches ! http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/NordModulardemopatches.rar
| Kx-Modulad by KX77freeis, as its name says, a modular synth, with 6 voices polyphony. Itmixes substractive and additive synthesis : 2 osc, 2 lfo, 4 envelopes,a noise generator, 2 filters etc, and also a wavetracer with whichyou can program very precisely new waveforms, not with the mouse, butby entering values. The result, as always with Xavier Kalensky, doesnot show off, but with a bit of attention, you will discovera fine, expressive, elegant sound, with an interesting personnality anda good analogue quality. Reserved for people who know how to use a richand complex synth. http://kx77free.free.fr/French-page.html |
| ZynAddSubFX,is a complex vst and standalone synth, with very interesting andunusual sounds and personality. Its interface is not well finished andlooks 'amateur', but it is rich in parameters, is polyphonic,multitimbral, combines 3 types of synthesis (additive, substractive and waveshaping), and has a lot of effects (reverb, echo, chorus/flange, phaser, wahwah, distorsion). All its components make it powerful and produces icyFM-like sounds. No more developed since 2005. win / linux http://zynaddsubfx.sourceforge.net/ or http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=62934&package_id=59720 | Fluid by Tubeohm,is free only on the german site Plugindex (version 1.5 is commercial).6 notes polysynth, it sounds original, rather smooth, fluid, as itsname says, and is made for pads and ambient sounds. 3 DCO-Oscillator/Sampler per voice (99 samples), 2 DCF multimode filters, 5 ADBR envelopes,3Lfo, effects (chorus, delay, reverb, ring modulator) and so on.Rather rich engine, coming with good samples that give reallyinteresting sounds. On Plugindex : http://www.plugindex.de/fluid-1-pi-exklusiv-pc/
| Wavetablesynths |
| Wavedraw by AngularMomentumhas two wavetable Osc that can load any waveform you like, 2 envelopes,2 filters with their envelope, two 16 step sequencers and so on. Witha reverb and a chorus, this polysynth sounds very good, deep, large,rather delicate and subtle, but cold. It comes with a little programthat can create and convert waveforms to use them in the osc of thesynth. One of the best AngularMomentum's synths. http://www.amvst.com/node/180 |
| Intro, by Boris Kalias Boris Kovalev,previously commercial, is a special synth, coming with 64 waveforms,and so many components that i can not list them (2 filters, 3 LFO, 1chorus, 1 delay, a modulation matrix, and many more). Good qualitysounds and beautiful GUI, as you can see beside, but not easy to use,and it consumes much CPU. VS1 Oscilloscope, with a beautifulinterface too, is less rich than Intro, but is rather good too. http://www.sitesled.com/members/bksl/
| SQ8L is agood EnsoniqSQ 80 emulation by SiegfriedKullmann.Typically 80's, this 8 voices polyphonic synth has 3wavetable osc, 24 dB low-passfilter, 3 enveloppes and 4 lfo. It sounds close to the originalmachine, a bit between a DX7 and a (poor) wavestation. The GUI israther ugly. http://www.buchty.net/ensoniq/ |
| Augur is made by thesame Antti,who is a talented man. The basic GUI hides an emulation of the ProphetVS. Successful or not, i do not know, but Augur is an unusual synth,that can produce fat analogical leads, and also icypads or clear metallic and crytalline keys, a bit like a DX7 (a FMsynth). Not easy to use for the beginner because of the modulationmatrix, it is a very good synth. http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/Antti-Augur.zip
| Phasedistorsion synths |
| Algomusic's Phadiz isa polyphonic phase distortion synthesizer with 2Osc, 6 envelopes and 2 Lfo, 1 ring modulator and 1 delay. It has a particular sweet,soft and delicate sound. You will not produce fat, violent,punchyleads with it, but emotional, expressive pads (try'SlowPDStrings' preset) and crystallinekeys. It has its own personality. http://www.algomusic.net/freeware.htm
| PhazOsc by Fretted Synth Audiois a little monosynth, with only few parameters and soundpossibilities, but it sounds clean, smooth, fat, with deep basses, andhas 1 delay and 1 chorus. Made to be triggered by the sound of aguitar, 'midi' (instead of 'audio') must be selected in the mastersection to use it as a normal vsti. As the site is down, you can find FSA products on Rekkerd : http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/FSA-PhazOsc.zip
| Artphase1.5 by Spacewindows,previously SK-Labs,is a 2 Osc polyphonicphase distortion synth with an unusual sound personality. https://gluclumydec1977.mystrikingly.com/blog/airy-pro-3-7-205-video-downloader-mp3. A bit closed,rather glassy, icy, it makes pleasant and delicate pads. Not the bestone, but useful. Pretty interface. http://spacewindow.pochta.ru/ |
| Poly DPO by Jeff hassomething special : no less than 3 phase distorsion Osc, 4 Lfo, 2filters, 2 envelopes, a routing section fo Osc and filters, agranular section, and 1 chorus, 2 delays, 1 distorsion. The freeversion of this synth is a mono and sounds good for analogue styleleadsand basses. The poly version is donationware. The GUI is too big butnice. http://maopassion.free.fr/instrument.html |
| Phasemodulation synths |
| Mike Sybrandt, alias Mik of Denmark,alias GTG,has been developing synthesizers for a long time now. Mik made around40instruments (as far as I remember) and many are no more available. Butamong the currentones, Sputnik 2000is probably the most unusual and interesting synth. He describes itthis way : 'Retroeffects synth based on 3 Phase Modulation oscillators and 1analogoscillator. LFO, Chorus and reverb'. OK, but it does much more thanretro effects, and is rather versatile, fascinating, and can producegood leads, EP-likekeys, padsandbasses, with a special cold sound. A good polyphonic synth. http://www.gtgsynths.com/plugins.htm
| Phasemorphing synths |
| PhaseBender by Bibasoftis a small poly-synth with only one morphing osc based on two auto-syncphase shapes and three waveforms that can be redrawed with the mouse.It can be modulated with a 16 step sequencer.An unison mode, a tremolo and a vibrato improve the sound that is byfar not the best, with aliasing, but i like the principle and thisdirty and granulous sound. Not versatile though. http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/Host/Bibasoft-PhaseBender.zip |
| Physicalmodeling synths |
| StringTheory by Ugo,devoted to strings, is a fascinating instrument with an arpeggiatorthat produces hypnotic clear sounding loops, rather credible rythmicguitararpeggios (in a mix, not for solo), and astonishing percussivesounds. The sound quality is not as good as the previous synths, but itis very interesting. http://www.ugoaudio.com/
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